January 31, 2022
Children and young people have the same general human rights as adults, as well as specific rights that recognize their specific needs. Children neither belong to their parents property nor are they unable to give alms. They are human and have their rights. People want to enjoy freedom, justice and peace. Children naturally want their own rights. They are ignorant and deserve our love. Children rights are the right to shelter, the right to food, the right to health care, the right to education, the right to freedom of express, the right to play and so on. Children's rights are very important in promoting human dignity and well-being.
In Nepal, the situation of the children is not uniform. There are many children who cannot go to school. and acquire knowledge and education. Some of them are children of poor parents. Parents force them to do work. Poverty prevents them from eating a balanced diet and they are not properly cared for. The homeless and street children are in a deplorable situation. You can't even eat food for survive. Most of them beg to go door to door. We can see many boys sleeping on ffootpath, street, temples and other public places. Now they are worse than dogs. Some poor children are kept as servants by the rich people. Some children seem to work in townhouses as boys and girls. Some children work in hotels and factories. Children are being used as child labour. They don't have their rights other than in the constitution. But most children go to school. They are not in a bad situation. They usually have their rights and freedoms. As a result, children in Nepal are deprived of their rights by the prevailing inequality.
Many NGOs support children today in a variety of ways. Some of the main NGOs are CWIN, SOS, STC, UNDP, UNICEF and so on. This organization particularly supports orphaned and untidy, unkind and humble children. Organizations support them with education, healthcare, balanced diets, and even shelter and clothing. Several schools have been set up for them. Some children who seem to collect cans, bottles, plastic objects, etc. were also helped. You will receive technical training such as sewing, carpentry, paperwork and so on. Therefore, these NGOs support children to live a normal life.
In order to promote children's rights in Nepal, all sectors involved must give their full attention. First, the children's basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, etc. must be met. Education should be compulsory for all children. No discrimination between girls and boys Educated parents believe that education is necessary only for boys and not for girls. They don't want to send their daughters to school. These parents need to be convinced. All street children, orphans, the disinterested and unwanted should be fed, cared for and educated. Then the situation of children's rights will automatically improve. The government should completely ban child labor in hotels and factories. At least primary education should be compulsory for all children. Every adult should be responsible for promoting children's rights in Nepal. All legal provisions to end child labor and promote human rights must be put into practice.
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