Divide Rs 21,000 into two parts such that the annual compound amount of the first part for 3 years is equal to the compound amount of the second part for 2 years at a 10 % rate in both.
Calculate the difference between half yearly compound interest and simple interest of Rs. 8000 for 1(1/2) years at the rate of 10% per annum.
Write the formula to find compound interest (CI) when the principal(P), rate of interest(R), and time are given.
The difference between compound interest compounded annually and simple interest of a certain sum of money at the rate of 10% per annum in 3 years is Rs. 3875. Find the sum.
Find the compound interest compounded annually on Rs. 5000 at the rate of 12% p.a. for 2 years.
A sum of Rs. 150000 amounts to Rs. 262500 at a certain rate of interest in 5 years. Find the sum of money that amounts to Rs. 198375 at the same rate of compound interest in 2 years.
Find the rate of interest per year if per rupee per month interest is 1 paisa.
A person deposited Rs. 55,000 in bank 'p' for 2 years at 10% compound interest compounded annually. But after one year the bank changed the policy and decided to pay semi-annually, compound interest at the same rate. What is the percentage difference between the compound interest of the first and second year? Give reason with calculation.
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