September 23, 2019
Today global warming has been world's biggest problem as well as challenge. It has huge impact on earth, eco-system, humanity and our future. Global warming is permanent rise in average temperature of earth. It is also know as Global Climate change which happens when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and green house gases collect in the atmosphere and absorbs radiations which leads to overall increase in temperature. Humans are causing most of the harm to environment. Our activities are higher and increasing rapidly in the last 8,00,000 years including the production of greenhouse gases as we power our modern equipment, run factories and industries.
Mountains are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forest getting thinner and thinner every day, wildlife are muddling to get comfortable and habitable zone all because of slighter increase in average global temperature. One of the greatest fear has been climate change. Extreme weathers, heavy rainfall, frequent storms, drought,shifting wild life and difference in migration patterns are all unwanted consequences of global warming. These changes are emerging as humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, changing the patterns of climate that all living things have come to rely on.
While we are looking for solutions, trying to figure it out all, the fate of earth as we know, the mountains, coasts, forests, farms, white sparkling mountains, hangs in the balance.
Causes of Global warming
Effects of Global Warming
Notion of Greenhouse Effect
Certain heavier gases in the atmosphere trap heat and radiation coming from sun. Because of excessive accumulation of these gases the overall temperature of environment increases. This process is known as greenhouse effect. Scientists have know this phenomenon from 1824, when Joseph Fourier calculated that temperature of earth would be way low in absence of atmosphere. The natural greenhouse is what keeps every living thing alive. Without atmosphere the earth's overall temperature would be less by 33 degree Celsius (33 degree Fahrenheit) . Even though green house effect is normal it keeps fluctuating over time. But in the last 150 years global average temperature has just increased and increased all because of industrialization, over population and deforestation.
आयोगको बिज्ञापन न १७१६७ / ०७६-६६ वटा विविध सेवा, राजपत्रांकित प्रथम श्रेणी , सूचना प्रविधि विज्ञ पदको पदपूर्तिका लागि सन्चालित लिखित परिक्षावाट अन्तर्वार्ताका लागि छनौट भएका उमेदवारहरुको पूर्वनिर्धारित अन्तर्वार्ता कार्यक्रम यस अधि नै स्थगन भएकोमा […]
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