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Causes and the effects of the first world war and second world war.

world war 1

British troops go over the top of the trenches during the Battle of the Somme, 1916. (Photo by Paul Popper/Popperfoto/Getty Images)

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Conduct a comparative study about the causes and the effects of the first world war and second world war and present it in a table.

1 Answer

Comparison between the first and second world war:

First world war Second world war
The whole world was divided into Axis power and allies power. Despite the change of few countries these two groups continued in the second world war as well.
Germans pride was the main cause of it. Germany was in the first row with the feeling of revenge to start this war also.
If Germany wanted, it could prevent the occurrence of this war. In this war too, if Germany wanted it could stop the war.
There was unhealthy competition in Militarism and armaments. The unhealthy competition became even more sever in the second world war.


Consequences of the war.

First world war Second world war
About 10 million people were killed and the number of injured and handicapped was double of it in this war.

The number of killed, injured and handicapped was double of the first world war in the second.

Germany was humiliate a lot through the treaty of Versailles. No country was humiliated such after that of the first world war.
Dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, Franco emerged in power. The rule of dictators ended after the war.
League of Nation was established. United Nations organization was established.
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