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A wire having a diameter of 0.90 mm is replaced by another wire of the same material but with a diameter of 0.93 mm. If the tension of the wire is as before what is the percent change in the frequency of fundamental note?

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A wire having a diameter of 0.90 mm is replaced by another wire of the same material but with a diameter of 0.93 mm. If the tension of the wire is as before what is the percent change in the frequency of fundamental note?

1 Answer



1st diameter (d1) = 0.9 mm = 0.9 x 10-3 m
2nd diamter (d2) = 0.93 mm = 0.93 x 10-3 m

The fundamental frequency of vibration of wire is given as

\(f=\frac1{ld}\sqrt{\frac T{\pi\rho}}\)

Similarly ,

\(f_1=\frac1{ld_1}\sqrt{\frac T{\pi\rho}}\)


\(f_2=\frac1{ld_2}\sqrt{\frac T{\pi\rho}}\)

Percentage change in frequency =\(=\frac{f_1-f_2}2\times100\%\)

\(=\frac{{\displaystyle\frac1{ld_1}}\sqrt{\displaystyle\frac T{\pi\rho}}-{\displaystyle\frac1{ld_2}}\sqrt{\displaystyle\frac T{\pi\rho}}}{{\displaystyle\frac1{ld_1}}\sqrt{\displaystyle\frac T{\pi\rho}}}\)
\(=\frac{d_2-d_1}{d_1d_2}\times d_1\times100\%\)
= 3.2%

Thus, the required percentage change is 3.2%

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