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Which formula is used to calculate the electricity consumption.

electric power

electric power

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Which formula is used to calculate the electricity consumption.

  1. P= I * V
  2. P= \(\frac WT\)
  3. P*N*T
  4. \(\frac{n_1}{n_2}=\frac{v_1}{v_2}\)

1 Answer

The correct answer is C:  P*N*T

In electrical engineering, power consumption refers to the electrical energy per unit time, supplied to operate something, such as a home appliance. Power consumption is usually measured in units of watts (W) or kilowatts (kW). ... Power is wasted as heat, vibrations and/or electromagnetic radiation.To establish the expected lifetime of the battery, you have to either calculate or measure the expected average power consumption. Average power consumption is what matters the most for your battery lifetime, unless your power source is current-limited.

How to calculate my energy consumption
  1. Device Wattage (watts) x Hours Used Per Day = Watt-hours (Wh) per Day.
  2. Device Usage (Wh) / 1000 (Wh/kWh) = Device Usage in kWh.
  3. Daily Usage (kWh) x 30 (Days) = Approximate Monthly Usage (kWh/Month)
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