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The distance between the two mirrors is 1 km and the mirror is rotating at 750 rev/s. Calculate the velocity of light.

Michelson's experiment arrangement
Online Calculator

A beam of light is reflected by a rotating mirror onto a fixed mirror which sends back to the rotating mirror from which it is reflected and then makes an angle of 3.6° with the original direction. The distance between the two mirrors is 1 km and the mirror is rotating at 750 rev/s. Calculate the velocity of light.

1 Answer



Frequency pf rotating mirror (n) = 750 rev/s,
Deviation of the beam after reflection from the rotating mirror (2θ) = 3.6°,

∴ \(\theta=3.6^\circ\) 
⇒ \(\theta=\frac{3.6^\circ}2=1.8^\circ=1.8\times\frac{\mathrm\pi}{}\)

Distance between two mirrors (d) = 1 km = 1000 m

Velocity of the light (c) = ?

We have the relation for the velocity of light as

Or, \(c=\frac{4\pi\times750\times1000\times180}{1.8\times\mathrm\pi}\)
∴ c = 3 x 10^8 m/s

Hence, the velocity of light (c) is equal to 3 x 10^8 m/s

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