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Development and expansion of proper technology by Man

How did man develop and expand proper technology?


1 Answer

Human beings were able to develop proper technology using their knowledge and intelligence. It has taken man a long time to reach the present level of technology. In primitive age when the level of technology was a very low man was bound to follow the dictates of nature. In those times man was a slave of nature, scared of its powerful force and used to worship nature to make it happy. In these conditions, the state of cultural development was also primitive. However, the process was gradual but man developed technology and it is also to be noted that man has been able to utilise this technology only after understanding the various laws of nature. For example; understanding of laws of friction gave birth to many inventions. Similarly, after understanding the secrets of DNA and laws of genetics, man has overcome many diseases and aeroplanes could be invented only after understanding the laws of aerodynamics. Today the level of technology is touching the heights of sky through which man seems to get free from the natural forces. Earthquake, cyclones, landslides, volcanoes and other natural disasters keep reminding man that he is still a slave to nature. Technology helped in reducing the harshness of labour, increased labour efficiency and provided leisure to human beings to attend to the higher needs of life. It also increased the scale of production and the mobility of labour.

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