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Definition of record management and its importance

What do you mean by record management? And mention the importance of management.

1 Answer

Record management is the combination of record and management. It is an art of handling and maintaining office records. The record is written matter which is prescribed for future reference and management is related to the way or the technique which are used to manage the different types of records. Therefore, record management is the management and control of records. Letters, invoices, cheques, vouchers, price lists, personnel records, tax records, costing records are the examples of records. It also helps to remove unnecessary files and preserves all important files and documents safely.

According to Little Field, "Record management broadly defined,includes forms, reproduction of written materials, filing records, retention, microfilms and related services."

According to J.C. Denyer, "Modern record management involves much more than the methods of the filing or the system of classification , important though these are: indexing, central filing, records retention, follow-up and micro photography, all these receive attention in the present day office."

In conclusion, record management is the systematic process of collecting, utilizing, preserving and disposing of the record of the office.

The importance of record management are mentioned below:

  • Source of decision-making
  • Help to make progress report
  • Helps in planning
  • Helps to detect errors
  • Help to evaluate the performance


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