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About the principle of delegation of authority.

Describe the principle of delegation of authority.

1 Answer

The delegation of authority is important in all types of organization. It is the process of granting certain rights and power to the subordinates on the basis of their responsibility by the superior. Following are some of the major importance of delegation of authority in an organization:

  1. Minimize the workload of managers
    It is very difficult for a manager to perform each and every work themselves. The managers can delegate the regular routine type of work to their subordinates and focus on the managerial work. It helps in improving managerial skills.
  2. Benefits of Specialization
    The delegation of authority helps an individual to be specialized in a specific work. The delegation of authority by the managers help the subordinates to be responsible for their responsibility. The use of specialist helps to improve the quality of the work performed by the organization.
  3. Employee Development
    The delegation of authority gives equal opportunity for subordinates to develop themselves. They will be able to perform their task well when given responsibility. The authority is delegated on the basis of their ability to perform work.
  4. Facilities expansion and diversification
    It provides flexibility in the organization so that adjustments are easier to make. Also, the delegation of authority aids in the expansion and diversification of the organizational structure.
  5. Quick and better decision
    The delegation of authority helps to make the decision by the subordinates which facilitates in a quick decision. The subordinates can use their knowledge and make the necessary decision in the times of need.
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