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Write one paragraph about disadvantages of having a telephone.

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Write one paragraph about disadvantages of having a telephone

1 Answer

Disadvantages of Having a telephone

Despite being useful means of communication, the telephone has its many disadvantages. It prevents its users from saving their money. They unwillingly pay a large amount of money for it. The bad thing about using the telephone is that you don't know who is ringing until you receive it. Another disadvantage of having a telephone is that it wakes you up even if you are fast asleep. the trouble with Telephone is that you can't ignore it even if you're having a serious talk with someone else or doing your own urgent work. A very bad thing Of having a Telephone is that your friends use it without paying. it encourages you to speed your time with tour relatives which proves a wastage o time and money. the next disadvantage of having a Telephone is also that your concentration gets broken. you are forced to ignore the urgent matter by being driven towards some minor works. moreover, Telephone creates a  big problem when you room or when you have to go ton other rooms. It can't give you comfort unless you're free from it. 

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