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Write essay on travel broadens mind or Importance of travelling. – Essay

travel broadens the mind

travel broadens the mind

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Write essay on travel broadens mind or Importance of travelling . - Essay

1 Answer

Travelling means going from one place to another. Life becomes monotonous without travelling. People do not travel always with the same purpose. Some people travel to gain knowledge. Some go to healthy places for change of air to improve their health. Merchants travel for their business. Travelling has many benefits. Travelling is the part of parcel of our education.
Without travelling education is incomplete. It makes us remember many things easily. Geography books enable us to read about mountains, lake, river, sea. We read about men and things about different part of the world. We can learn much about manners, cultures and customs about many people it broadens our minds. Many famous traveler of ancient times visited Nepal. By reading of their past account we can find out about our country at that time. Many people travel in different places to improve their health and quality of life. Traveling has a great medical and educational value. In the words of Bacon" Travelling in the younger generation is the part of education, in older generation is part of the experience."
Travelling teaches student better than books do in the sense that they learn faster by seeing things directly around them. We may not believe what we read about a place. But once we travel and see the very place with our own eyes doubts are removed. The information we receive from the book is confirmed. Travelling thus supplements our book knowledge.
Unlike books travelling gives us practical experience of the world. I believe practical experiences tend to make us more interested and memories last longer than theoretical reading. During travels we come in contact with the people of various types and see interesting places. It definitely broadens our mental horizon. It widens our outlook to a great extent and we forget to see things from preconceived notions. Thus, travel develops in us a right sense of value. Travelling brings a person closer to nature.

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