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Write an essay on Domestic animals and their relation with humans. -Essay

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Write an essay on Domestic animals and their relation with humans. -Essay

1 Answer

We keep some animals in our houses. They are called domestic animals. The domestic animals are crows, dog, buffaloes, horses, sheep, goat, dog. They are used for food, milk, meat, transportation, hunting, protection and so on. 

The cow is considered to be the most important animal. Cows and buffaloes are used for milk. Goat, buffaloes and sheep are kept for milk. Oxen and buffaloes are mostly used to carry heavy loads an sowing the field. Horses are used to travel from one place to another in olden days but in modern era they are used in races for entertainment. Sheep are very useful for wool, it is important in cold places. Sheep are also used for meat.

Dogs are the most widely domesticated animal apart from cats which are also seen in almost any house. Dogs are considered to be the most loyal in domesticated animals. They guard the house and protect humans from other dangers. They alert people of any danger since their sense are heightened. Al the domestic animals are very useful to men , they serve humans even in their death as many parts of animals are used after their death. 

Many people have domesticated camels in the desert. The people in desert use camel for milk instead of cow. As camel can withstand the heat of the desert. Camel gives people milk, transports good an peopled to places and also is used as milk. These beneficial reasons are why there is great importance and value of the domestic animals in the society. All these domesticated animals used to be wild animals in the past. 

There are many people who treat animal badly  as they can not speak or voice their complain. Animals are treated cruller which is why the advocate of animal rights have formed animal basic rights. Animals might not be able to speak or show their emotion but science has proven that like any other living being animal too have emotions. As animals are very helpful an loyal to humans we must take care of them and treat them with love an sympathy. 

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