September 1, 2020
Download Syllabus (Curriculum) of Technical Assistant (Prabidhik Sahayak) in PDF format and text. It has included the curriculum detail of the Sub-Engineer:
Appendix: -4 (relating to Article-5 (5)) Syllabus of Technical Assistant (Curriculum)
(A) Service-related
Download PDF File: Technical Assistant (Prabidhik Sahayak)
1. Right to Employment Act, 2075 and Rules on Right to Employment, 2075,
2. Prime Minister's Employment Program Operation Guideline, 2075, Remuneration for Work-Based Community Project Operation and Management Procedure, 2076, and Transformation Initiative for Youth Employment Project (Operation and Management) Procedure, 2076,
3. The concept of cash for work,
4. Local-level budgeting process, expenditure management, and audit and grievance management,
5. Social mobilization, public hearings, social audit, and grievance management, and
6. Conduct and discipline and good governance.
The following are the contents of the program as determined by the Public Service Commission for the post of Local Service Engineering Service, Civil Group Fifth Level Sub-Engineer:
1. Surveying
1.1 General
1.2 Levelling
1.3 Plane Tabling
1.4 Theodolite and Traverse surveying
1.5 Contouring
1.6 Setting Out: Small buildings and Simple curves
2. Construction Materials
2.1 Stone
2.2 Clay and Clay Products
2.3 Paints and Varnishes: Type and selection; preparation techniques and use
2.4 Bitumen: Type, selection and use
3. Mechanics of Materials and Structures
3.1 Mechanics of Materials
3.2 Mechanics of Beams
3.3 Simple Strut Theory
4. Hydraulics
4.1 General
4.2 Hydro-Kinematics and Hydro-Dynamics
4.3 Measurement of Discharge
4.4 Flows: Characteristics of pipe flow and open channel flow
5. Soil Mechanics
5.1 General
5.2 Soil Water Relation
5.3 Compaction of soil
5.4 Shear Strength of Soils
5.5 Earth Pressures
5.6 Foundation Engineering
6. Structures
6.1 R.C. Sections in Bending
6.2 2 Shear and Bond for R.C. Sections
6.3 Design and Working System of R.C. Structures
7. Building Construction Technology
7.1 Foundations
7.2 Walls
7.3 Damp Proofing
7.4 Concrete Technology
7.5 Woodwork
7.6 Flooring and Finishing
8. Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering
8.1 General
8.2 Gravity Water Supply System
8.3 Design of Sewer
8.4 Excreta Disposal and Unsewered Area
9. Irrigation Engineering
9.1 General
9.2 Irrigation Water Requirement
9.3 Irrigation Canals
10. Highway Engineering
10.1 General
10.2 Geometric Design
10.3 Drainage System
10.4 Road Pavement: Pavement structure and its components: subgrade, sub-base, base and surface courses
10.5 Road Machineries
10.6 Road Construction Technology
10.7 Bridge: T-beam bride and Timber bridges
10.8 Road Maintenance and Repair: Type of maintenance works
10.9 Tracks and Trails
10.10 Airport Engineering: Planning and layout of Heliports; Terminal Building and Control Tower; Drainage System for Airports
11. Estimating and Costing
11.1 General
11.2 Rate Analysis
11.3 Specifications
11.4 Valuation
12. Construction Management
12.1 Organization
12.2 Site Management
12.3 Procurement and Contract Procedure
12.4 Accounts
12.5 Planning and Control
B. Computer Related
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