Which is the best area to take the bone marrow aspiration?
Chest bone " Sternum "
Head "Skull"
Leg Bone " Femoris "
Hip bone " Pelvic Bone "
Option D
Bone marrow is the soft and sponge-like tissue found inside the body's larger bones that produces blood cells. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are procedures used to collect and evaluate bone marrow cells and structure. The Hip bone (Pelvic Bone) is used more commonly than the front. This is by far the most common site used for a bone marrow examination.
A bone marrow aspiration collects a sample of the fluid that contains cells so that they can be examined under a microscope and/or evaluated with other tests. A specialist microscopically examined slides of stained smears of the fluid from an aspiration. The cells are evaluated according to number, type, maturity, appearance, etc. and compared to those in the blood using results from a complete blood count (CBC) and blood smear. This examination determines, for example:
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