Plants that grow under average temperature and moisture are called _____________.
Option D
Mesophytes are terrestrial plants which are neither adapted to particularly dry nor particularly wet environments. An example of a mesophytic habitat would be a rural temperate meadow, which might contain goldenrod, clover, oxeye daisy, and Rosa multiflora. Mesophytes prefer soil and air of moderate humidity and avoid soil with standing water or containing a great abundance of salts. They make up the largest ecological group of terrestrial plants, and usually grow under moderate to hot and humid climatic regions.
Mesophytes do not have any special internal structure. Epidermis is single layered usually with obvious stomata. Opening or closing of stomata is related to water availability. In sufficient supply of water stromata remain open while in limited supply of water stomata are closed to prevent excessive transpiration leading to wilting. is a Registered Company of E. Pathshala Pvt Ltd Nepal. Registration number : 289280
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