What is the freezing point of water, in degrees?
32 °c
451 °F
0 °F
32 °F
Option D
The convoluted scale chosen by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit to measure the temperature at which water freezes decided that it was 32ºF. The Swedish inventor Anders Celsius decided that it was 0 ºC and the British physicist and mathematician William Thompson, Lord Kelvin, 273 ºK, being 0º K the absolute zero value of the temperature.
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, FRS, was a Dutch-German-Polish born in 1686 in Danzig/Gdańsk who, in addition to being an inventor and engineer, was a manufacturer of scientific instruments. The original Fahrenheit scale was a copy of the Rømer scale, proposed by the Danish astronomer Ole Christensen Rømer in 1701.
According to this scale, the value of 0 degrees is equivalent to the temperature of the brine freezing point and the value of 60 degrees corresponds to the water boiling point.
Afterwards, he would introduce some changes in the scale to avoid fractional values in some measures such as body temperature. The next ºF scale consisted in multiplying the Rømer scale so that the water would freeze at 8 degrees and the human body temperature would be 24 degrees.
Later, he would multiply this scale by four, so that the equals 32ºF, the body temperature at 96ºF and the water ebullition point was 212ºF, taking advantage of the fact that, with this new and definitive scale, so, each time a Fahrenheit increase in the scale also increased the mercury volume by exactly 0.01%.
Mercury thermometers became the most reliable in the early eighteenth century, and for these achievements was formally accepted in the Royal Society of London. At present, its uses many more the Celsius scale because it is simpler and less cumbersome than the Fahrenheit scale. Thus the Fahrenheit scale has been displaced and now is only used in the United States and some islands of the Caribbean Sea.
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