Supervision is derived from the Latin word. Super means from the above and vision means to see. Supervision means establishing one’s wider vision, above vision, supreme vision and seeing other’s work carefully. From a management point of view, supervision means overseeing the subordinates or workers or members at work to ensure that work is being performed as required, directed and assigned based upon work plan. The subordinates are supervised by the manager just to know whether they have performed the job according to plan, policy, program, instruction and scheduled time or not. This supervision is a continuing activity and it is performed at every level of management. Thus, a supervisor is one who is in charge of a group of workers. He plans, organizes, directs and regulates the activities of his group members. He allocates tasks among the subordinates, provides necessary material and inputs, guides, trains and then gets performance from them. The utilization of human resources can be done through the process of supervision. Thus, supervision is considered as an important function of the management process.
According to George R. Terry, “Supervision is the achieving of desired results by means of intelligent utilization of human talents and facilitating resources in a manner that provides the greatest challenge and interest to the human talent.”
In conclusion, supervision is the process of overseeing the performance of subordinates to ensure that the assigned works have been completed in accordance with the plan.