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How to perform sun salutation properly with precaution?

surya namaskar - yoga and postures
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How to perform sun salutation properly with precaution?

1 Answer

Surya Namaskar means salute to the sun. It is the pranayam which consists of twelve very powerful and beneficial yoga steps. All twelve steps of Surya namaskar are:

  1. Pranamasana (Prayer pose)
  2. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms pose)
  3. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
  4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
  5. Dipadprasaranasana
  6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Parts)
  7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
  8. Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
  9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)
  10. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
  11. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms pose)
  12. Tadasana

Here are the Complete Steps by Steps process to perform Surya Namaskar.

There are few precautions to be taken while performing Surya Namaskar:

  1. Pregnant women should practice carefully and should not practice with full force during pregnancy.
  2. Legs and feet should be parallel.
  3. Those having injuries to the neck, shoulder, and spine problem should not practice Surya Namaskar.
Things to remember from Yoga and Postures
  • Surya Namaskar which is also known as Sun salutation makes the whole body and minds healthy as well as smart.
  • There are twelve steps to be performed in succession in Surya Namaskar.
  • The twelve steps of sun salutation are:
    1. Pranamasana (Prayer pose)
    2. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms pose)
    3. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
    4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
    5. Dipadprasaranasana
    6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Parts)
    7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
    8. Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
    9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)
    10. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
    11. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms pose)
    12. Tadasana
  • Surya namaskar is not recommended for those having serious spinal, neck, shoulders problems.
  • Women in the early stage of pregnancy can perform Surya Namaskar very carefully.
Recommended Note
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