Tropical Monsoon is one of the climatic features found around the world. This kind of climate is found in 5°to 30°south and north of Equator. The most common feature is that the places in this climatic belt receive rainfall/monsoon during the summer. So, in the summer it has hot and wet where as in winter cold and dry type of climate. This is because the wind blows from sea to land in summer and from land to sea in winter. In the context of Nepal, the rainfall amount in Terai to Himalayan and eastern to western vary because of distance from the sea and altitude of the places. The life style of the people of this area is different because of the climatic style of rainfall. Rainfall in summer supports good vegetation, so many people are framers. Paddy is an import-food crops whereas jute, cotton, sugarcane, tea, rubber, coffee fruits are important cash, crops. Here, flows some large rivers which has supported the agriculture. Industries and trade has been flourishing here. The eastern cultures of Hwang-Ho, Indus valley are historical but they are almost declined by more interest over western culture.