June 3, 2020
देशमा कोरोना संक्रमितको २३ सय पुगेको छ । नयाँ संक्रमित भएका २ सय १ जना जना थपिएसंगै कोरोना संक्रमितको संख्या चुलिन पुगेको हो ।
नयाँ थपिएकामा १ सय ७९ पुरुष र २२ जना महिला रहेको स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता डा. विकास देवकोटाले जानकारी दिए ।
I was shocked to see my daughter when I gave birth. The whole pregnancy, my doctor had said she was going to be small, like meand I was picturing someone who, well, looked like me. […]
Curriculum development center Sanothimi Bhaktapur under the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology has released the price of new books from class 1 to class 12 for the educational year 2080. The price is only […]
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